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Unit 8. Lesson 5. OVERSEAS FRIEND
Стр. 248 ynp.l • A foreign exchange programme means exchange students from different countries. Our school does not offer nothing of that kind. I have never participated in a programme like that. I would like to participate in such a programme because it gives a great opportunity to share experience and get new knowledge, broaden your outlook, learn about other cultures and make new friends. • An exchange student can face a problem of language barrier that lead to misunderstanding. Стр. 250 упр. 2b) • In my opinion the articles are written by an international travel agency because the tips and the language that is used speak about this fact. The tip h) seems to be unexpected because people usually try to do their best to host well. All other tips were easy to predict. I would prefer to travel to live overseas as it gives a great opportunity to share experience and get new knowledge, broaden your outlook, learn about other cultures and make new friends. Стр. 251 упр. За) Possibility: 1, 2, 3,4 Request:8 Impossibility:6 Ability: 5 Prohibition^ Стр. 251 упр. 4 a) possibility i) — b) possibility j) — c) possibility k) impossibility, possibility d)- 1)- e) — m) possibility, possibility f) possibility n) request g) — o) ability h) — p) possibility |